Each year "The Nutcracker" is performed by the Intercity Ballet Theatre company, a group of talented dancers from various dance studios in the Tri-Cities area. An Auditions Workshop is held in September of each year to fill roles such as: the main characters, Clara and Fritz, and groups such as soldiers, mice, angels, party children, lollipops, candy canes, etc. Check the audition workshop info page for more information on dates, times, contracts, and registration costs.
If you receive a part in the show (see Congrats on Part & Schedules), you will attend a general meeting for the ballet company, parents, etc to go over details, and to help move costumes, props, etc.
A Nutcracker Newsletter is published monthly (and sometimes more often) with rehearsal schedules, important reminders, and any changes. Be sure to read all the newsletters.
In November, Intercity dancers participate in the downtown Kingsport Christmas parade. Select groups of dancers also participate in a Mall Performance.
In December, we have our stage & costume rehearsals, final preparations, and then on to the show. Don't forget the Performance Reception held after the Friday Night Show.
We welcome all to try out for a part, volunteer to help, and/or watch the show. Break a leg!
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